Long Live Christmas!


Is it bad that Christmas Day has passed and I just recently finished decorating my house for Christmas?

 Honestly, I even feel a little silly writing this post because it seems as if everyone was finished with Christmas on December 26th, eagerly gaining back all of their square footage from taking down holiday decor that very day, and they are now waiting to ring in the New Year and kick some butt in 2015. I am ALL for that, but at the moment, I'm happily sitting by our fireplace while the embers slowly burn out after a cozy day on which my family and I finally celebrated Christmas.

I never mind traveling for the holidays, but I also love hosting and getting my house ready for guests! This Christmas was a bit different for us. We usually celebrate with my husband's family before Christmas and tend to travel or be with mine on Christmas day and several days after that. However, due to other family situations, we weren't able to be with my side of the family until the 29th. I was bummed it wouldn't be closer to Christmas, but I was still incredibly grateful that they were coming! I'm one of those sentimental types (as if you couldn't already tell from my previous posts) and I love holiday traditions! It was hard to think of celebrating so seemingly "far away" from Christmas Day itself.

During the Christmas holiday, I tend to take off a couple of weeks from work because I never know if we'll be traveling, hosting, or who knows what. With how all of our family gatherings were arranging themselves this year, I began to grow excited at actually having a big chunk of time to fully decorate my house, bake yummy treats, plan dates to catch up with friends, make, wrap, and mail presents, and simply relax and get my house prepared for our family! I always think I can do it all (before Christmas Eve) and still have time to fully enjoy every moment—and truth be told, every year is an epic fail.

Not that I didn't watch Elf and Prancer or spend sweet time with my husband and our loved ones, but no matter how late I stayed up, there was always one more errand to run, one more (or several things) to make, or one more thing I had to regretfully remove from the ultimate "before Christmas" to-do list because I simply didn't have the time to make it happen. I am a perfectionist with an awful sense of timing when it comes to decorating and planning for Christmas. Just awful.

Christmas truly snuck up on me this year! The autumn season always has such a short enjoyment period so I never decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving, but I try to start soon after and I love giving each item its place and having my home feel so incredibly cozy for more than a month! I know people like to decorate early and props to those who are way more organized than myself, but I feel like there are SO many people packing up before December is out the door! For a girl who once long ago left her tree up until March (I agree, that was a bit much—but it was not me who was sad they had no Christmas tree in their living room when we had that freak blizzard in 2013!), I just can't do away with Christmas until at least sometime in January! Now that we have a "grown up" tree, we have scattered our smaller trees throughout the house, giving each guest their own unique Christmas tree. I just want everyone to feel loved and cozy. It's too fun to think of and create each and every detail as I decorate every corner of the house, but I do realize Christmas itself is not about all of that.

 Now that our week with my family is in full swing and my vacation is winding down, I feel exhausted! Who's with me? I absolutely love Christmas and I adore my family and our crazy fits of laughter, but in some ways, it hasn't felt entirely like Christmas. Perhaps it's due in part to the fact that our traditions were delayed a bit and everyone else in the world has seemingly moved on with anticipation for the New Year. I’m sure it’s also due to the fact that I'm not an elf and my busy little hands couldn't keep up with the crazy expectations I put on myself for the holiday. Silly little human.

 I guess it's ridiculous to think or be surprised that it doesn't feel like Christmas. Honestly, I think some part of Christmas will never "feel like" Christmas. For most people, the anticipation is greater than the actual day of Christmas. I want to be grateful for the present day in which I receive the opportunity to live and serve, all while remembering that there is a far more majestic reason for celebrating each season and every day. Jesus is the reason we can anticipate an even greater day to come. The weary (exhausted) world can rejoice because of Him.

"I sometimes think we expect too much of Christmas Day. We try to crowd into it the long arrears of kindliness and humanity of the whole year. As for me, I like to take my Christmas a little at a time, all through the year. And thus I drift along into the holidays—let them overtake me unexpectedly—waking up some fine morning and suddenly saying to myself : 'Why this is Christmas Day!'" 

—Ray Baker 

Merry Christmas, friends.

 And hey, good news :

 We ARE celebrating New Years Eve on time!

 Be sure to check back soon for an insanely good recipe to take with you into the new year! It’s full of brown sugar goodness, but even my clean eating readers can probably doctor it up to their liking!