Cocoa Bananas Smoothie

Over the years, I've enjoyed smoothies here and there, but most of the store bought or specialty made smoothies have always tasted chalky and/or were loaded with sugar from too much fruit! The sugar may be delicious, but it’s most definitely not healthy or filling. Nixing the smoothies to go and having the option of making them at home always seemed like a good idea (especially for a quick morning breakfast), yet I found the process to be expensive, my smoothies weren’t cold enough, and blame it on my then lack of adventurous taste buds, but I was stumped for recipe ideas that incorporated less fruit! All of which left me feeling unmotivated and with a craving for easy toaster waffles instead. Plus, if you like the option of using it, it is a chore to find the right protein powder that suits your taste!

Amidst my opinions and lack of motivation, insert a chocolate banana smoothie that a friend made for me last year! I honestly couldn’t tell you when I had last drank a smoothie with less fruit and I was surprised that I loved it so much! I'm not a huge fan of fruit and chocolate combined, and while I can make slight exceptions, it's just not my favorite. However, I was immediately happy with the rich chocolate taste, her simple list of ingredients, and surprisingly felt motivated to make my very own at home. With a few slight adjustments, I could see many healthy smoothies in my future!

But first, a story time. Having now made this smoothie multiple times, I figured it should have a name—but what?



Ever since our niece was born, we've received videos as she grows! She's the cutest thing ever. In one of her early videos, and only a few months old, she's happily shrieking into my brother's ear and won’t stop. It’s quite hilarious! Finally able to get a word in amid the shrieks, he comments that she's "kookoo bananas".

So I now present to you my smoothie :



“Cocoa Bananas”



If you're curious, my tweaks include using frozen bananas and/or avocados for a creamier consistency, more ice cubes for extra coldness, seed additives, a generous amount of cocoa powder, and collagen protein powder! See the entire recipe below and be sure to check out the links for some of my favorite additions!

—This recipe makes enough for one 8oz glass—


1/2 frozen banana

1 cup coconut almond milk (or an alternative nut milk of your choice)

9 ice cubes (not 8, not 10—gotta be odd)

1/2 tsp. of nut butter (less is more)

:: p u l s e ::

Check consistency and add more milk if necessary. I like my smoothie to be pretty thick yet pourable! My test is to tilt the food processor to see if it moves in the slightest!


1 scoop of collagen/protein powder (I alternate between this and this—Ancient Nutrition is my favorite brand!)

1 tablespoon of ground nuts or seeds (chia, flax, almond, sunflower, sesame, hemp—the choice is yours!)

1.5 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa (this is my all-time favorite)

Pulse to combine, pour into your favorite glass, and drink up!


  • Remember that the baking cocoa linked above already includes a bit of caffeine, but you can also reduce the amount of nut milk and add some cold brew for additional enjoyment! We love simple cold brews with no additives and find that organic and unsweetened brews by Chameleon or Bizzy taste best!

  • Add a generous handful of raw spinach leaves to get a serving of greens! It may change the texture a bit, but the taste will remain the same!

  • Keep your frozen banana half and add 1/4 fresh avocado OR remove the banana entirely (less sugar) and add 1/2 fresh avocado (more fiber and fat). A creamy smoothie all around!

  • If you’re not a fan of the taste (or cost) of protein powder, switch it out for a generous serving of plain greek yogurt or cottage cheese!



I’m not a nutritionist, and the choices are yours, but always remember to try and limit the sugar and include healthy amounts of protein, fiber, and fat for a well rounded and filling smoothie that will truly serve your body well!