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A Return to the Present

I wish I were better at consistently writing out my deep thoughts on paper, but having the option to instead type them and create an online diary of sorts has been just as beneficial over the years. For those who write, we know that whether it be a tangible or online journal, each is a patient friend with a listening ear.

During my teenage years and into my late 20s, my blog was hosted in many places online. It all started with Xanga (if you know, you know), migrated to Livejournal, and eventually transferred to Blogger. It was a sweet shuffle of seasons and a great way to keep up with friends and pen pals!

I can't say I've been able to save and transfer all of my previous blog posts into the available collection hosted here, but I have to be honest with myself—I don't remember most of my old school passwords and who really wants to read so much about my [still current] love of Hanson and the Backstreet Boys? Here in my 30s, married to my love for almost 10 years, and reviving the avenues of my creativity, I'm thrilled to be dusting off the keyboard again and bringing my blog back to life in a new and vibrant space and in such a season as this!

With that said, I’ve reorganized and updated what blog posts I have access to, and though I'm still settling in, do know there are future posts coming soon! I think and feel deeply, so you can imagine I have an assortment of thoughts and memories stashed away just waiting to find their way to my fingertips to be typed! If it weren't for my meticulous nature that [always] slows me down and my grammar radar reigning me back in, there would most likely be word dumps and run-on sentences all over the place!

In the meantime, and until those words reach this space, you can find an archive of former posts dating all the way back to 2012—with an ever noticeable 3 year hiatus, of course! Or perhaps you’re just here for the recently added and [finally] updated collection of Halloween costumes (through 2020)! Whatever your interest, it’s all there with more to come in the future!

Thank you for spending time here.