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They've truly flown by and I wouldn't change a thing. Our journey is ours and we continue to choose each other, a witness to each other's lives. As much is as humanly possible, you've truly been a model of Jesus and have made me feel so seen, known, and loved and I can only hope that I've been just as intentional and caring to do the same for you.

Recounting our pre-dating days, I remember when I first met you and noticed your bandana covering your forehead. It immediately reminded me of a similar bandana that Jennifer Lopez had worn a few years before—only yours wasn't bedazzled like hers, but we both know I may or may not have created a side by side comparison picture a few months later. Despite my internal giggles then (and now), I couldn't help but notice your blue eyes and big smile which I would see more of as I would later stalk your Facebook photos in the coming months. Soon after my initial sighting of you, a group outing to see Pixar's Up (which you remember as your initial sighting of me) would then lead to all of us getting ice cream at a local hangout spot where I would chatter on about American Idol’s David Cook and make it known to everyone (but specifically you) that I was looking for a rockstar to marry—which I was positive wasn't you who was sitting across from me and trying to get to know me. Maybe I was being a little too assuming that you might notice me in the first place, and although I was single, I wanted to cover my bases and make it clear that I was was not available. I'm sure the Lord had his laughs. A coming Sunday morning at church would then have Jesus reserving me the only available seat next to yours (sans JLo bandana) where I immediately noticed your nicely groomed feet through your North Face sandals. Cute and hygienic.

I could go on, but let's just say that my rockstar dreams dimmed quickly as more of your character came into view. Even standing in line at the grocery store became a defining moment as you patiently waited with me for the cashier to change the register tape—a simple task that became quite the ordeal and required extra wait time from you, me, and our friends. I noticed not only your extreme patience and willingness to wait, but your kindness towards the new employee who looked flustered. When contrasted against our friends who were wise-cracking and quickly becoming impatient, which would be common for a lot of people I know, the way you addressed the situation was curiously unfamiliar and intrigued me.

In the coming months, I kept noticing your kindness, your willingness to help, and amidst any chaos and laughter of friends around you—your quiet moments of prayer before meals. These character qualities exuded a gentleness that began to capture my attention and my heart more than a rockstar under stage lights ever could.

Years later, in these more present moments of time and marriage, you're even cuter, dare I say more patient, and just as gentle and kind. This past year of 2020 has only confirmed that I really do like you, I love being your wife (and your friend, and your mouse, etc.), and I thoroughly enjoy your company!

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  • Your blue eyes, your smile, and your old man eye crinkles—and your feet

  • You make up songs lyrics and stories at the drop of a hat

  • You are ready to help with any task no matter how tired you are

  • You tip service members well

  • You care about Jesus, His Truth, and sharing it with others in a way that is challenging and so gentle

  • You are insanely patient

  • While we're both imperfect, you set a consistent example of the fruits of the Spirit

  • You ask everyone how their day is going and make them feel seen and important

  • You don't make room for thoughtless judgments and assumptions of others and stay focused

  • Seeing that you’re an Eagle Scout with a meticulous nature and a hard work ethic means every job is a job very well done!

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We’re committed to lifelong learning and growth and we’re very aware that much humility, forgiveness, and individual work are desperately needed for communication, vulnerability, patience, empathy, and kindness. Each component is a continual choice that is such hard work and never perfected—and without Jesus, never done well.

In contrast to such importance, marriage also requires a plethora of pet names, chubbed cheeks, inside jokes, weird vocabulary, spontaneous adventures, and butt smacks!

I love you, Craig Nolan. Thank you for asking me to marry you! Thanks to Jesus and Pixar, we've always known that adventure is out there and I’d say a decade of marriage is most definitely our greatest adventure yet!

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