
MY World Of

Pure Imagination

I've always loved, appreciated, and made art since I was young. My career as a hairstylist and makeup artist only nurtured my creativity and meticulous nature and gave me even more appreciation for the style and process of other creatives.

In more recent years, my appreciation has led to discovering some of my favorite artists such as Camille Pissarro, Jess Velarde, Wayne Theibaud, and Kyra Kendall. Their styles always display a freedom and creativity that resonate so deeply with me!

Recently quitting my long standing career as a stylist may have been incredibly intimidating, but always an artist in some form, my husband has lovingly reminded me that I’m only doing what I’ve always done—switching to another canvas, another color, a different medium.

With that truth, I'm incredibly grateful for the opportunities to have worked with so many evolving canvases and mediums over the years and I'm happy to find myself traveling down a new creative path. One that is allowing me to slowly immerse myself in a world where I too can create with freedom.

Observe that it is a great error to believe that all mediums of art are not closely tied to their time
— Camille Pissarro